Anon Deleted Posts : Location : Status : Offline
A new year with new problems.
Hi to all,
The old Bedford has went well over its short journey's of Christmas and New-Year acting as a bedroom for myself and the Grandkid's, just one or two job's in need of doing over the next two month's.
A bit of rust to be buffed away and tarted up and the exhaust to be repaired and re-routed out the side, doing away with that over the axle section.
And an old roof vent to be taken out which refuses to stop dripping, so lot's of fun to look forward to.
Wed 04 Jan 2017 @ 10:08
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Anon Deleted Posts : Location : Status : Offline
Exhausted and dirp free.
Hi to all,
Made an effort to try and get some of my job back up and moving today, first to check out the drinking water supply pump which the kid's had left switched on all week, but it is ok.
Next that annoying if small drip, which seems to be cured so then the exhaust short system which I have managed to get done apart from the tail-pipe, (sounds really good) should get that finished off tomorrow.
Fri 06 Jan 2017 @ 16:04
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Anon Deleted Posts : Location : Status : Offline
A bit louder and dryer.
Hi to all,
Well that exhaust is short and hot with a wider bore of pipe to help the breathing and the starting (less back pressure) might have to add an extra hanger yet but time will tell.
That annoying small dip seems to be cured but it will well tested in weather like we are getting and is forecast for next week in this area.
My next job is to make up two gate frames as the old wooden ones are crumbling, but first a test drive to check out if all is well.
Sat 07 Jan 2017 @ 12:12
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Anon Deleted Posts : Location : Status : Offline
Hi to all,
A much easier cold start this morning due to the engine's ease of breathing, much less back pressure due to the exhaust not impeding the flow of gases leaving the engine.
I have been meaning to do this shorter system for a while and with the direct air induction setup using an old heater fan built into the air cleaner casing the improved breathing should make a difference.
Sun 08 Jan 2017 @ 11:37
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Anon Deleted Posts : Location : Status : Offline
Petrol price's.
Hi to all,
Used the old Bedford to go shopping this morning and filled up tank two to the tune of sixty pounds worth, tank one is half full but I will get it topped up before the price goes any higher.
The price going up every day now and is set to reach around the one pound thirty a Ltr. mark soon.
Mon 09 Jan 2017 @ 13:12
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Anon Deleted Posts : Location : Status : Offline
Hi Doug,thank's for the prophecy of hire petrol prices for the NEWyear.(lol)I think that right CHeers+Beers Jim.
Mon 09 Jan 2017 @ 20:20
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Anon Deleted Posts : Location : Status : Offline
Grease points.
Hi to all,
Tomorrow if the weather allows I will get all the grease points done, before the rain arrived today I managed to get the old tub washed off and checked the tyre pressures.
At this time of year you have to just grab every chance the weather gives you to get job done.
Mon 09 Jan 2017 @ 22:00
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Anon Deleted Posts : Location : Status : Offline
You are a man on a mission chum LOL
Tue 10 Jan 2017 @ 08:59
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